Using FRUG

As mentioned in the introduction, FRUG aims to be simple enough to learn, yet still allow as much control as possible to developers, therefore avoiding to make of FRUG an engine. Given this, FRUG identifies itself as a library which simplifies basic tasks related to getting things on the screen.

In this section you will find some guides to show you how FRUG works (don't expect these to be full tutorials, those will come later).

We'll start by taking a look at how one creates a window, then we'll set the background color of our window, followed by drawing a rectangle with a color and then with an image/sprite in it, after that we'll take a look at how we can create a custom shape by defining vertices and indices, and finally we'll take a look at how to work with our "camera".

In later chapters you can find examples of simple games to review all these concepts and see how they can be applied to your games.