Setting fullscreen and window size

Some times we don't want to have our games in a small window, maybe we want to have our game using the entirety of our screen. For this the FRUG instance has a function called set_fullscreen which receives a bool to indicate whether we want to set our window to fullscreen or not.

Therefore it would look like this:

fn main() {
// This sets our window to fullscreen

// This makes us exit the fullscreen mode.

Now, what if we don't want to use the whole screen but we want our window to have a specific size? For this our instance has a method called set_window_size which we can use to set both the width and height of our window, all we need to do is pass as paramters both numbers and consider it done!

fn main() {
frug_instance.set_window_size(550.0, 500.0);